Academic Publisher case study
Academic Publisher case study

The renowned academic publisher was looking for a way to explain complex concepts in a simple, understandable manner. With the world of education, and children, quickly adapting to emerging technologies, the aim was to bring textbooks to life.
Was there a way to offer an immersive learning experience for children? Could we take students on a journey through the planet’s geography, or the anatomy of the human body?

Considering the severe need for embedding creativity in their educational content, a renowned academic publisher was exploring ways to explain complex concepts in a simple manner that uniquely and easily caters to the grasping minds of our tender ones. The aim here was to make the children more engaging by bringing textbooks to life and helping them in experiencing different geographical locales, the anatomy of the human body, and so and so forth – of course without involving their physical presence in any of these.

Working closely with the publishers, teachers and management, we came up with the most engaging AR experience package for various subjects and books, emulating their material to create a coaching method in a tactile environment. Users of the experience were astounded at the effectiveness rendered by this training method, as these budding kids got to travel to the moon or walk into the great pyramids (no they weren’t taken there though).
Google play app and the textbooks of the publisher.
The experience received a raving response, which encouraged the publisher to implement the same pattern across all its textbooks.